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Difference between Coreldraw and illustrator 2024

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Are you looking for the answer that which software is best for you Coreldraw or illustrator? So, you are in the right place. I have a long experience in graphic designing and I have used both software Coreldraw and illustrator. Today  I am going to discuss some major differences between Coreldraw and illustrator. Let’s start without any delay.

Background Coreldraw and illustratorFeatures of Coreldraw and illustrator


Coreldraw is created by the Corel corporation in 1986. On the other hand, the illustrator is created by Adobe Systems in 1987.


Coreldraw is generally used to create big banners, hoardings, and visiting cards. At the same time, Adobe illustrator is used to drawing multiple designed logos, drawing illustrations, packaging design, and drawing.

Learning period

Coreldraw is easy to learn compared to the illustrator. You can easily understand using the Coreldraw. On the other hand, if you are going to learn Adobe illustrator. Then it will take lots of time in comparison to Coreldraw.

So it is clear that Coreldraw is the winner in the case of learning.

There are some key features of the Coreldraw

Pros and Cons of Coreldraw and illustrator

Coreldraw has multiple benefits but I am going to show you some most important features of Coreldraw. So that you will understand it in a better way.

  • Live sketch tool
  • Corel font manager
  • Multi-monitor
  • Healing clone tools
  • Import legacy workspace
  • Custom nodes shapes
  • Great interactive sliders

Adobe illustrator Key features

  • Pixels perfect designed
  • Access Adobe Stock Assets
  • Dynamic symbols
  • Magnification option
  • Images in brushes
  • Touch workspace
  • Live shapes capability
  • Magnification option

After knowing the key features let’s see the pros and cons of the Adobe Illustrator and Coreldraw.

Pros and cons of Coreldraw

As we all know that everything has some advantages and some disadvantages. Similarly, Coreldraw has some pros and some cons also. First of all, let’s take the look at the Pros of the Coreldraw.

  • Easy to use- You will get an easy-to-understand interface and that’s the reason that Coreldraw is easy to use.
  • High resolution- Coreldraw is famous to create big banners because it offers a great level of resolution.
  • Also available for Mac- Coreldraw was not available for the Mac but now it is available for windows and Macs.


  • Transfer file- Most graphic designers use Adobe Photoshop. So when it comes to sharing the files so Coreldraw users face difficulties because they can’t share the photo directly to the Adobe software.

Pros and Cons of Adobe illustrator

Adobe illustrator is famous for editing photos and users are satisfied. But at the same time, it has some Pros and Cons also. Let’s begin with the Pros


  • Use in both software- it works with Window-based software and mac as also. All you need to do is just download the software and there is no need to answer the unwanted questions.
  • Support multiple pages- Adobe illustrator allows working on multiple pages at one time. But you will not get this feature with other software.
  • Transfer files- It is easy to transfer files from one Adobe software to another Adobe software and mostly graphic designers use Adobe software. So it becomes easy to share files with your graphic designer friend.


  • Difficult to learn- If you will go to learn Adobe illustrator it will take you lots of time and effort.

Which is better Coreldraw or illustrator?

When it comes to the Coreldraw then this software is famous for its great feature to create logos, flexes, banners, and holdings. If we discuss Adobe illustrator so it is good at creating multiple digital and printed images.  Overall both are famous for some specific works. It depends on, which purpose you are going to choose between these two software.


Coreldraw and illustrator both are great in their specific field. Both have pros and cons. You have to choose smartly between this two software. I hope the article on the difference between Coreldraw and illustrator helped you.  Now you can choose according to your suitability.